Petite peinture carre VIII

Ibrahim Jalal
Akrylmaleri 20 x 20 cm

PrisNOK1 900,00 inkl. bkh.
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Ibrahim Jalal




20 x 20 cm




5 % til Bildende kunstneres hjelpefond er inkludert i bildepriser på alle kunstverk over 2000 kr.


Ble født i Syria i 1947 og gikk på kunstakademiet i Damaskus 1969-1973. Tok fireårig akademiutdannelse i Paris 1974-1978 hvor han bosatte seg.  Han har stilt ut i Damaskus, Paris, Boston, New York, Dubai, Tyskland, Luxembourg, Italia, Danmark og Norge hvor han har hatt flere opphold i Stavanger.

Born in Syria in 1947
1969 to 1973 study with diplôma of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus
1974 to 1978 study in painting section and graduation The hay scole Nationale Supérieure of fin arts in Paris

Ibrahim Jalal’s Exhibitions :
Gallery Amare, Stavanger, Norway 2015
City Center Gallery, Takamatsu, Japan, 2014
Group exhibition, National Museum Pekin, China, 2014
Gallery Athene ,Drammen,Norway 2013
Péniche Atys, on the Marne river, Paris area, France, 2012 and 2013
Gallery 8, London, United Kingdom, 2013
Europia Gallery Paris, France, 2012 and 2013 .
Open day at the Ashley’s Studio, Ivry, France, 2013
Court Yard Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2011
Frida Hansen Hus, Stavanger, Norway, 2011
Exhibition at Kunstforening – the work of three months artist residency, Stavanger, Norway, 2010
Rafia Gallery, Damascus, Syria, 2010
Free Expressions Gallery, Paris, France, 2009
Centre Culturel Franco – Norwegian, Stavanger, Norway, 2009
Fine Arts Gallery Crous, Paris, France, 2008
Paris – Damascus Exhibition at the Institute of the Arab World, Paris, France, 2008
Gallery Schröder Isenburg, Germany, 2007 and 2008
“La Gallery”, Luxembourg, 2005
Royal Hotel, Luxembourg, 2005
Gallery Schröder Isenburg, Germany, 2004 and 2005
Honor Guest of Salon Bussy St Martin, France, 2002
Honor Guest at the 21st Salon d’Automne in Pontault-Combault, France, 2001
Beneteau Centre, Paris, France, 2000
Buridan House, private exhibition, Paris, France, 2000
Galerie Claude Leman, Paris, France,1998
Gallery Arabesques, Heidelberg, Germany,1998
National Conservatory of Music, Oslo, Norway,1997
Gallery Norestraen, Sandnes, Norway,1993
Sinden Gallery, New York, USA, 1989
Arden Gallery, Boston, USA,1989
Markstatte, Konstanz, Germany, 1985
Fine Arts Crous Gallery,Paris, France,1975
My first exhibition: University of Damascus, Syria,1972

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